
Is Eye Cream Necessary? Do You Need It?
If you are a huge fan of self-care, then chances are your bathroom cabinet is overflowing with serums, toners, face oils, moisturizers, and everything in-between. As such, you could be wondering whether it is worth the money, time, and effort to create some space to add yet another product to the fold. The dilemma intensified further if the product in question appears to just do the same thing but is...

What is Waxing? 12 Benefits
Contrary to the common misconception, waxing has been around for generations now. However, the funny thing is that most people are still not aware of what is wax and neither are they familiar with the correct waxing hair removal techniques. And if you are going to enumerate the benefits of waxing, you may as well define waxing first of all. So, what is waxing? As the name suggests, it is...

Wrinkles under eyes when smiling. What are crows' feet, their causes, and how to avoid them?
You are probably familiar with crow's feet - those unflattering wrinkles under eyes when smiling that make us seem older than we really are. Ironically, under eye wrinkles when smiling are hardly a laughing matter especially if you cherish looking youthful and photogenic. Yet, this is a problem that continues to stalk many Westerners, particularly those with lighter and fair skin tones. That said, eye wrinkles when smiling are usually...

Types of Dark Circles Explained
Contrary to what you may be tempted to assume, not all dark circles are the same. Actually, there are distinct types of dark circles which range from anything between mixed types to pigmented dark circles. Knowing the type of dark circles that you are dealing with goes a long way in aiding your efforts of banishing them. And considering how much of an eyesore dark circles can be, the importance...